Planting a Seedling
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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Presbytery Meeting Presentations


June 15, 2024 The Rev. Libby Davis Manning's Presentation

March 23, 2024 The Rev. Mark Elsdon's Presentation


August 26, 2023 The Rev. Ruth Santana-Grace's PowerPoint slides

April 22, 2023 Presbytery Structural Models--Text and Graphics

March 23, 2023 Three Big Conversation Handouts


July 28, 2022 DeEtte Decker's video and PowerPoint slides

July 28, 2022 Dr. Rebecca Blair's video

May 14, 2022 Dr. Rebecca Blair's video

A slide from the August 26, 2023 presentation
A slide from The Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace's presentation to the Presbytery on August 26, 2023